Kindly complete the online application form and proceed with payment. Our membership team will notify you via email after your application has been approved.

Please visit our Membership Type page for a full list.

Please visit our Membership Type page for details.

Your 9-digit member ID can be found on most correspondence from APHRS. You can also view your member ID online at “My Account” page once you have logged in.

Please log in and click on “My Account”. You can view/update your profile there. Click “Save Changes” once you’re done.

You can expect to receive a renewal notice via email 1 month before the expiration date.

Please log in and click on “Membership Renewal”. You will need to complete the online renewal form. At the payment page, you can select the following mode of payment:
Online – Payment by PayPal / Credit Card
Offline – Payment by Cheque / Wire Transfer / GIRO

Once your membership has expired, APHRS allows a 90-day grace period for you to pay dues. After this grace period, your APHRS membership will be cancelled. After that, you must reapply to become a member.

To reset password, please enter the email address for your account. A verification code will be sent to you. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to set a new password for your account.

Please email for membership questions and suggestions.