Call for Newsletter Articles

May 01 2018, Tuesday

We would like to invite everybody to submit a short story / article / announcement that can fit in the following structure:

  1. News items and announcements - Short, topical, news oriented
  2. Major articles - In depth discussions of topics of interest: congress report, EP lab introduction, experience sharing, latest technology trends in EP, and etc.
  3. Subcommittee updates


The Contribution

Articles should be submitted in Word format and discuss subjects relevant to cardiac electrophysiology community.

All articles which are selected for publication will be proof read for content, spelling and grammatical errors.


Word Count:

  1. News items and announcements - 50 to 200 words
  2. Major articles - 500 to 1500 words
  3. Subcommittee updates - 500 words or less


Articles should include section headings.

Illustrations, tables, sidebars are encouraged to illustrate and emphasize the message.

Kindly submit your contributions to


The License

By submitting a contribution to the newsletter, you agree that the text which appears in the newsletter will be publicly available.

The Fine Print

Due to editorial considerations, we may not be able to publish every submitted story in the APHRS Newsletter. On occasion we may also need to publish a story in a later newsletter instead of the current one. We will always endeavour to keep authors informed of these decisions.

We may also need to make minor editorial changes or correct spelling mistakes.

To establish the identity of the authors, your name will be published with your article.








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